Harvey County
Sedgwick County
The 31st district is home to hard-working Kansans who have a passion for improving their quality of life. The district consists of Harvey County and extends into northern Sedgwick County. While driving through the district, you have the opportunity to experience the Dyck Arboretum of the Plains, Hesston College, Bethel College, Kauffman Museum, 81 Speedway, Hesston Golf Course, and several other attractions. More information is available on the Visit Wichita website:
Because of forward thinking citizens, the 31st district continues to grow traditional businesses which are always looking for new ways to provide services, including the manufacturing of aircrafts and combines, or put food on our tables through agriculture.
Want to learn more about the 31st district? Please see the following links to Cities and newspapers in the district. Find out how involved our district is - a place that is always moving forward and a place where you are always welcome!