February 18 Update

By the end of this week, the legislature will be one week away from “turnaround,” the traditional point at which legislation needs to have passed the House or the Senate to be considered by the other chamber. There are always exceptions to the rule, often including major legislation decided in the dark of night like[…]

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February 10 Update

I have visited with a lot of constituents who have said: “surely, the legislature won’t change the city and school board elections to partisan elections?” Well, the horse is out of the gate…. Testimony needed ASAP today for Senate Bill 171, which would move local and school board elections to November and make them partisan.[…]

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February 9 Update

We have begun our fourth week of the 2015 legislative session. Legislation has been introduced in committees and public hearings have been held, but no major legislation has been passed. By the time you read this article, the legislature should be starting an awkward transition from a waltz to the polka. One of the first[…]

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